Institute of Law

Holubieva Viktoriia Olehivna

department:Department of Public and International Law
Position:Рrofessor of the Deрartment of Public and International Law
teacher degree:professor
Degree:candidate of law sciences

Viktoriia Holubieva

Brief description of professional biography:

In 1996 she graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk State university named after O. Honchar with master degree in law. In 1999 graduated Ukrainian Academy of Foreign Trade with master's degree in “Management of foreign economic activity”. In 2003 she defended her PhD thesis on topic “Internationallegal regulations of foreign economic activities and ukrainian national legislation (non-tariff aspect)” in the specialty 12.00.11- international law.

In 2021 received the academic title of professor of international and european law.

From 1996 to 1999, she worked as a legal adviser in various departments of the Dnipropetrovsk State Administration, I have the 11th rank of civil servant. 

From 1999 to 2008 she worked in scientific and pedagogical positions at the Ukrainian Academy of Foreign Trade. During this period, she successively held the positions of lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor.

Since 2008 working as the “Kyiv national economic university named after Vadym Hetman”, deрartment of international and europeanlaw (associate professor, professor) and deрartment of public and international law (professor).

Areas of research: international and national organizational and legal regulation/provision of international, international economic, international trade, international customs, foreign economic, private law relations with a foreign element.

She supervised 3 PhD theses in Law on specialty 12.00.11 - International Law.

She has authored over 110 research papers (single or co-authored), including 14 monographs (in particular, 9 multi-authored foreign monographs), 42 articles (among others 10 articles included in the international scientometric databases Scopus, WoS), 53 theses of scientific conferences, 3 tutorials, 1 study guide.

List of some publications:

1.   Golubieva V. О. Some Theoretical and Legal Aspects of Harmonization of the Legislation of Ukraine in the Context of the European Union Association Agreement (Exemplifiedby VAT). Development and modernization of the legal systems of Eastern Europe: experience of Poland and prospects of Ukraine: сollective monograph. Vol. 3. Lublin: Izdevnieciba «BaltijaPublishing», 2017. Р. 35-56.

2.   Golubieva V. О. Some Modern Aspects of the Relationship and Interaction Between International Economic Law and International Environmental Law. European vector of contemporary jurisprudence: the experience of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland: сollective monograph. Vol. 2. Sandomierz: Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, 2018. Р. 118-141.

3.   Голубєва В. О. Теоретико-прикладні особливості міжнародного організаційно-правового регулювання механізму огляду зовнішньоторговельної політики в рамках СОТ та його впливу на національне законодавство України. Scientific achievements of countries of Europe in the field of legal science: сollective monograph. Humanities and Natural Sciences University in Sandomierz (Poland). Riga: Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, 2018. Р. 76-100.

4.   Голубєва В. О. Загальні підходи та особливості нормативно-правового регулювання міжнародної торгівлі сільськогосподарськими товарами між Європейським Союзом та Україною. Challenges and prospects for the development of legal systems in Ukraine and EU countries: comparative analysis: сollective monograph Cuiavian University in Wloclawek, Poland. Riga: Izdevniecība “Baltija Publishing”, 2019. Volume 1. Р. 65-86.

5.   Голубєва В. О. Організаційно-правове регулювання зовнішньої і внутрішньої торгівлі лікарськими засобами в Україні та країнах ЄС. Modern achievements of EU countries and Ukraine in the area of law: сollective monograph Cuiavian University in Wloclawek, Poland, Zaporizhzhia National University, Ukraine. Riga: Izdevniecība “Baltija Publishing”, 2020. Р. 109-132.


Courses taught: International Private Law, International Economic Law, International Customs Law, International Law, Law of WTO,International Trade Law, International Commercial Law, Legal regulation of foreign economic activities.

Certification training:

1.   Scientific and pedagogic internship on the topic “Legal education in modern, university: project-based approach to the work organization according to the guidelines of the European Qualifications Framework (experience of Danubius University)” by the speciality “Juridical Sciences” in the volume of 2 credits (60 hours), during the period from March 22 to March 24, 2017 in Danubius University (Sladkovicovo, Slovak Republic).

2.   Scientific and Pedagogical Internship “Organization of Didactic Process, Educational Programs, Innovative Technologies and Scientific Work in Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University”, 12-23 June 2017, Nowy Sacz, Poland. The internship program duration – 108 hours.

3.   Scientific and pedagogic internship on the topic “Legal education of the future: prospective and priority directions of scientific research” by the speciality “Juridical Sciences” in the volume of 3 credits (108 hours), during the period from November 27 to December 1, 2017 in Lublin Science and Technology Park S.A. and Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (UMCS) (Lublin, Republic of Poland).

4.   Scientific and pedagogic internship “Higher education institutions as a medium for the formation of a new generation of lawyers”: Internship proceedings, June 11-15, 2018 in Humanities and Natural Sciences University in Sandomierz (Sandomierz, Republic of Poland).

5.   Scientific and pedagogical internship on the topic “Legal education as a component of the education system in Ukraine and EU countries” : Internship proceeding, by the speciality “Juridical Sciences” in the volume of 5 credits (180 hours), during the period from March 25 - April 5, 2019 in Cuiavian University in Wloclawek (Republic of Poland).

6.   Scientific and pedagogic internship on the topic «Modern approaches to the organization of the educational process for law students» : Internship proceedings, Internship proceeding, by the speciality “Juridical Sciences” in the volume of 6 credits (180 hours), during the period from August 24 - October 2, 2020 in European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) in Frankfurt an der Oder (Federal Republic of Germany).