The international round table18 November 2015р.![]() MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine INVITES YOU to participate in the international round table "The territorial integrity of Ukraine: Problems and Solutions" Friday, 11th December at 11:00 Address: Kyiv— 54/1 Prospect Peremogy 03680 Kyiv Ukraine (conference hall) Topics of discussion: International aspects of the territorial integrity of Ukraine. National security and national interests of Ukraine in a modern geopolitical situation. Threats and challenges the territorial integrity and inviolability of borders of Ukraine. Ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens on the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine. Sanctions against Russia after the annexation of the Crimea. Schedule: 10:30 -10: 55 - registration of participants of the round table; 11:00 - 14:00 - Presentations of speakers, general discussion; 14:00 - 15:00 - Informal meeting. Contact us:
Organizational committee: Head: Soldatenko Oksana- Doctor of Law, Professor, Dean of the Law Faculty of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman; Vice-head: PetrovRoman- Doctor of Law, Head of International Law and Special Legal Sciencesdepartment ofNational University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"; KuryloVolodymyr- Doctor of Law, professor, vice-rector of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences; Machuskyy Volodymyr- Ph.D., associate professor, deputy dean of the law faculty of KNEU. Participation in the round table is free. To participate in the roundtable necessary to December 8, 2015: it will be enough to register as a participant in the roundtable: Registration submit abstracts if you wish at: Assignment of applications to participate in the roundtable authors express consent to the publication of the report on the Internet. Abstracts will be posted on the website of ROUNDTABLE as the flow of materials to the organizing committee. Program Round Table, a collection of abstracts will be published electronically and posted on the website of roundtable. Each roundtable participants will be able to order the participant to receive a certificate as a file to PDF. Abstracts performed in Ukrainian, Russian or English volume of 3.0 pages A4; line spacing - one computer standard spacing, font Times Roman, 12 pins; Field: top, bottom, right - 20 mm, left - 25 mm. The average number of characters per line - 65, the number of lines on one page - 45. First line: Name and initials of the author, aligning the right edge of text in bold italics. Second line: title, aligned to the middle of the text bold, all capital letters. Next - the text of the report. At the bottom of the page should provide information about the author: name (fully italics), academic degree, academic rank, position, place of work, phone number, e-mail address. Example: Peremozhenkov V.B. HISTORICAL STEREOTYPES AND TRADITIONAL MEDIA IN UKRAINE-RUSSIA RELATIONS Text of the report ... Peremozhenko Victoria V.B., assistant professor of theory and history of law department of "Kyiv National Economic University" Tel .: 38 (097) 2607503, e-mail: |