Institute of Law

Research Work

Teachers of the State and Law Theory and History Department are actively involved into teaching, methodological and research work. For instance, the teachers published 40 scientific papers (with the total volume of 48 printer's sheets).  Teachers of the Department take part in the (republican and international) scientific theory conferences and maintain contacts with higher education establishments of Ukraine. 

The department researches into the following areas: "Legal principles of the development of the civil society in Ukraine".

The scientific research of teachers of the Department was endorsed in the course of the scientific practical conference "International Economic Co-operation of Ukraine (Legal Issues)".

Teachers of the Department took active part in the comprehensive scientific research carried out at the Law Faculty in 2000 to 2005 and co-authored the collective monograph "Legal Support to the Socio-Economic and Political Development of the Society and the State".

Results of the research into topical issues are published by teachers of the Department in magazines Pravo Ukrainy, Pidpryiemnytstvo, hospodarstvo i pravo, Viche, Yurydychny zhurnal, in collections of scientific papers Pravove rehuliuvannia ekonomiky, Suchasna ukrayinska polityka. Polityky i politolohy pro neyi, Visnyk akademiyi pratsi i sotsialnykh vidnosyn Federatsiyi profspilok, Visnyk akademiyi upravlinnia pry Prezydenti Ukrayiny, Problemy filosofiyi prava, and in newspapers Yurydychnyi visnyk Ukrayiny, Yurydychna praktyka, etc.

The priority lines of the research work of teachers of the State and Law Theory and History Department are as follows:

  • the preparation of PhD and ScD theses by teachers of the Department;
  • the preparation of monographs;
  • the ascertainment of promising lines of the scientific activity of the Department;
  • the scientific research work with students, etc.