Institute of Law

In memory of Pavlo Viktorovych Satskyi

    He lived a bright, but, unfortunately, short life...Pavlo Satskyi, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Political Technologies of KNEU, director of the KNEU museum, developer of the educational program, talented and prolific scientist, editor of the specialized magazine "Historical and Political Studies", organizer of a number of conferences, a mentor of many generations of students, a dedicated and disciplined worker, a father, a friend, and most importantly - a sincere PERSON, PATRIOT OF UKRAINE.
The beginning of a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation prevented full treatment and, as a true patriot, Pavlo Viktorovych donated the funds saved from the operation to the needs of the Armed Forces. He passed away on June 22, 2022.
   There are not enough words to describe how difficult this loss is for the team, because Pavlo Viktorovych was always active and proactive, he had a number of professional plans, in particular, he was working on a doctoral dissertation, but a serious illness did not allow him to realize them.
     Pavlo fought to the last, remained optimistic and hoped for the best, and until recently he fulfilled his professional duties, inspired by communication with grateful students and scientists. The beginning of a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation prevented full treatment, and as a true patriot of his country, Pavlo Viktorovych donated the funds saved for the operation to the needs of the Armed Forces.
This is how we will always remember him!
Eternal memory and the Kingdom of Heaven
Last redaction: 24.02.23