Institute of Law

Educational and Methodological Work

The educational and methodological work of the department is a prerequisite for ensuring the educational process. In accordance with the regulatory documents of the University, the department has developed complexes of educational and methodological support for academic disciplines, and work is underway on the preparation of educational and educational literature.


The main educational and methodological objectives and areas of work of the department in the reporting academic year in accordance with the resolutions of the Academic Council of the university, the Scientific Expert and Scientific Methodological Council of the university and the Rectorate were:


  • expansion and updating of the innovative and scientific component of the educational process;

  • expanding the use of new monographic literature and other scientific publications by domestic and foreign authors in the educational process;

  • further introduction of innovative teaching technologies, forms and methods of teaching into the educational process;

  • improvement of existing ones and development and approval in the appropriate manner of new work programs in the disciplines taught at the department;

  • improvement of methodological materials regarding current and final control and criteria for assessing the knowledge of applicants;

  • development of comprehensive examination materials for the programs of academic disciplines of the department;

  • development of test tasks for conducting online exams on the Moodle platform;

  • development of methodological recommendations for teaching staff on the organization and methodology of conducting seminars, tests, exams, defense of coursework;

  • development of new methods of lecturing; continuing the practice of lecturing on problematic issues;

  • development and approval of individual plans for working with applicants according to the schedule per hour of individual lessons of teachers of the department;

  • development of tasks for individual advisory work with applicants;

  • formation of a list of modern educational and scientific-monographic literature recommended for the study of disciplines provided by the department;

  • formation of packages of methodological support for conducting lectures and seminars (contact) classes;

  • development of methodological materials for conducting trainings, role-playing and business games in order to enhance the educational process;

  • preparation for publication of teaching aids, textbooks and scientific publications;

  • continued implementation and use of the latest innovative educational technologies (express controls, express surveys, oral questioning, solving situational legal problems, role-playing games, visualization, case method, work in small groups, problem-based lectures and seminars, etc.) and development of test tasks;

  • mutual attendance of classes by teachers in order to exchange experience and develop methodological skills;

  • conducting methodological seminars, participating in conferences, round tables;

  • scientific supervision of the preparation of scientific student works.


The development, refinement, and improvement of relevant work programs and other educational and methodological materials were carried out with the aim of optimizing and modernizing them, taking into account the latest achievements of legal science and practice, changes in legislation and the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”,Development strategies of the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadim Getman" for 2023–2025, Innovative development programs of the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadim Getman" for 2022–2025, and other regulatory documents.


All questions and problems of educational and methodological work of teachers and the department as a whole are the subject of constant attention and discussion at department meetings.


Scientific and pedagogical workers of the department prepare educational literature. Teachers of the department have prepared more than 300 scientific publications for scientific periodicals and collections of scientific works, monographs, educational and educational publications.


The scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Private Law has prepared a significant number of monographs, textbooks, manuals, guidelines for the academic disciplines of the department:


  • Machuska I.B. Land law: Educational and methodological manual with the seal of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine (letter No. 14/18.2-356 dated February 17, 2005). K.: KNEU, 2005. 129 p.

  • Machuska I.B. Land law: study guide. K.: KNEU, 2007. 280 p.

  • Machuska I.B. Agrarian law: textbook. K.: KNEU, 2009. 273 p.

  • Machuska I.B. Environmental law: a study guide. K.: KNEU, 2009. 301 p.

  • Yaroshenko I.S., Izarova I.O., Yefimov O.M. etc. Civil procedural law: a textbook with the seal of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine (letter No. 1/11-4467 dated February 27, 2013). K.: KNEU. 2014. 519 p.

  • Vavzhenchuk S.Ya. Problems of legal technique as a factor in the effectiveness of labor rights protection // Methodology in law: monograph / I. Bezkluby, I. Hrytsenko, M. Kozyubra and others; in general ed. AND. Clubless. - K.: Gramota, 2017 - 658 p. (Chapter 3, ch. 5, 5.3. - pp. 495–500).

  • Vavzhenchuk S.Ya. Outsourcing and outstaffing: a labor law essay // Current problems of social law in Ukraine: a collection of scientific works / edited by E. Inshina, V.I. Shcherbyny, S.Ya. Vavzhenchuk; from.ed. I.S. Sakharuk - Kharkiv: Yurayt, 2017. - S. 131–142 (282 p.)

  • Vavzhenchuk S.Ya. Legal protection and protection of labor rights of employees (Chapter 13) / Labor law of Ukraine: textbook / edited by E. Inshina V.L. Kostyuka - Kyiv: Yurinkom Inter, 2017. - 600 p. (p. 427–485)

  • Vavzhenchuk S.Ya. Protection and protection of labor rights of employees: textbook / S. I. Vavzhenchuk. 2nd ed. – Kh.: Pravo, 2018. – 560 p.

  • Great Ukrainian legal encyclopedia: in 20 vols. - Kharkiv: Pravo, 2016. - Volume 11. Labor law. / editor: S. M. Prylypko (head), M. AND. Inshin (deputy head), O. M. Yaroshenko, N.M. Khutoryan, G.I. Chanysheva, S.Ya. Vavzhenchuk; National Acad. rights Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of State and Law named after IN. M. Koretsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; National law University named after Yaroslav the Wise. - 2018. - 776 p.

  • Vavzhenchuk S.Ya. Peculiarities of the mechanism of protection and protection of basic human social rights in the conditions of interaction between civil society and the state / Civil society in Ukraine: current state, challenges, strategy of modernization: monograph: In 2 vols. / for general ed. Yu.S. Shemshuchenko, O.V. Skrypnyuk / Volume 1: General-theoretical and constitutional-legal aspects of the development of civil society in Ukraine. - Kyiv: Legal Opinion, 2018. - 676 ​​p. (p. 364–417.)

  • Vavzhenchuk S.Ya. The legal nature of the agreement taking into account the experience of the leading EU states / Association Agreement of Ukraine with the EU as a basis for the development of its national legislation. / Adaptation of national legislation in accordance with the Association Agreement with the European Union. Science monograph edited by O.V. Kuzmenko - K.: Ed. "Chair" center, 2019. - S. 497–508. (678 p.).

  • Vavzhenchuk S.Ya., Burylo Y.P., Procyshen M.V. Legal support of the digital economy: education. manual. In general ed. dr. law Sciences, prof., academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine O. D. Krupchana. K.: Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship named after Academician F. G. Burchak National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2019. – 302 p.

  • Vavzhenchuk S.Ya. Protection of social rights. Great Ukrainian legal encyclopedia. Kyiv: "Ed. Lyudmila", 2020: Law of social security / editor: M. AND. Inshin (head), O. M. Yaroshenko (deputy chairman), N.M. Khutoryan, G.I. Chanysheva, N.M. Vapnyarchuk, 2020, S. 262–264. (912 p.)

  • Vavzhenchuk S. Ya. Local governments and preventive protection of labor rights // Social and ecological security through the prism of urbanism: collective monograph / Edited by Academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Professor, M. I. Inshyn and Doctor of Law, Ya. Ya. Melnyk. Institute of Law of KNU n.a. T. Shevchenko, Publisher: European institute of further education, Podhajska, 2020. P. 278 – 287. (497 p.)

  • Vavzhenchuk S.Ya. Protection and protection of labor rights of employees: textbook / S. I. Vavzhenchuk. 3rd type. processing and add. - Kh. : Pravo, 2021. – 592 p.

  • Methodical guidelines for the study discipline "Labor law" for students of higher education in the specialty 081 "Law" / N.M. Demchenko, O.A. Ivanenko, A.V. Bohdanets - K.: UBENTZ Information and Publishing Center of the "Knowledge" Society of Ukraine. - 2019. - 24 p.

  • Methodological guidelines for the educational discipline "Social Security Law" for students of higher education in the specialty 081 "Law" / I.S. Yaroshenko, N.M. Demchenko, O.A. Ivanenko, A.V. Bohdanets - K.: UBENTZ Information and Publishing Center of the "Knowledge" Society of Ukraine. - 2019. - 23 p.

  • Methodical instructions for the educational discipline "Notary" for students of higher education in the specialty 081 "Law" / N.M. Demchenko, O.A. Ivanenko, A.V. Bohdanets - K.: UBENTZ Information and Publishing Center of the "Knowledge" Society of Ukraine. - 2019. - 23 p.

  • Intellectual property and patent science [Electronic resource]: a textbook for students studying for master's programs / N. AT. Bilousova, N. IN. Havrushkevich, M. AND. Danylchenko, M. IN. Dubnyak, N. D. Kohut, O. IN. Lytvyn, A. WITH. Romashko, P. M. Tsibulev, O. I. Yurchyshyn; KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi; under the editorship P. M. Tsibulova, A. WITH. Chamomile – Electronic text data (1 file: 6.03 MB). – Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, 2021. ‒ 377 p. – Title from the screen. WITH. 64-91. ISBN 978-966-990-039-5. Identifier for the link -

  • Borsuk N. I. Communal property management in Ukraine: administrative and legal aspects: monograph / N. I. Badger. - K. : Yurinkom Inter, 2018. – 328 p.

  • Galiakhmetov I. AND. Municipal law of Ukraine: methodology of formation and development: monograph / I. AND. Galiakhmetov. - K. : KNEU, 2016. – 343 c.

  • Economic procedural law [Electronic resource]: practical course: teaching. manual / I. AND. Balyuk, O. K. Namyasenko, G. D. Baldness; in general ed. I. AND. Balyuk, O. K. Namyasenko; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, State Higher Secondary School "Kyiv. Vadym Hetman University of Economics". - Electron. text data. – Kyiv: KNEU, 2015. – 244, [4] p. – Name from the title. screen

  • Legal regulation of economic activity [Electronic resource]: textbook. / [ I. AND. Balyuk, L. IN. Borets, I. AND. Galiakhmetova and others]; edited by: O. WITH. Litoshenko, I. AND. Galiakhmetova; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, State Higher Secondary School "Kyiv. national economy University named after Vadym Hetman". - Electron. text data. – Kyiv: KNEU, 2019. – 342, [2] p. – Name from the title. screen


Considerable attention is paid at the department to the issue of intensification of the educational process, individualization of education and the search for innovative approaches.

Scientific and pedagogical staff of the department provide free consultation services in the legal clinic on a wide range of legal issues, including civil, economic, family and labor law.

The department trains graduate students and candidates in specialty 081 "Law".