Institute of Law

Master Degree Courses

Mandatory Courses

Administrative Law. The general part
Administrative Law. A special part
European human rights law
History of International Relations
History of international law
Course work on the subject `Administrative Law`
Course work on the subject `Criminal Law of Ukraine. A general part`
Course work on the subject `Criminal Law of Ukraine. A special part`
Course work on the subject `Finance Law. A general part`
Course work on the subject `Finance Law. A special part`
Course work on the subject `International Private Law`
Course work on the subject `International public law`
Criminal Law. A general part
Criminal Law. A special part
Criminal procedural law
Media law
International Economic Law and Processe
International Private Law
International public law (fundamentals of theory)
International public law (main branches and institutions)
Tax Law
Comparative administrative law and process
Comparative Criminal Law and Procedure
Comparative Civil Law and Procedure
EU Law
The law of international treaties
Law of international organizations
Public law (Administrative law)
Judicial and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine
Theory of international relations
Training course ``Introduction to the specialty ``International Law``
Finance Law
Finance law. The general part
Finance law. The specail part
Legal rhetoric and language culture of a lawyer

Elective Courses

Administrative Law
Administrative Proceedings
Banking law
Resolution of financial disputes
Settlement of commercial disputes
Democracy: from theory to practice
Information Law
Constitutional principles of humanitarian law
Criminal executive law
International humanitarian law
International Migration Law
International maritime law
Customs Law
Law of international security
Legal regulation of the stock market
Legal regulation of foreign economic activity
Tax consulting
Judicial and law enforcement agencies 
Finance law

Last redaction: 26.01.25