Institute of Law

Pozhydaieva Mariia Anatoliivna

department:Department of Public and International Law
Position:Associate professor
teacher degree:associate professor
Degree:Doctor of Law
Brief description of professional biography:
She graduated from Kyiv National University named after T.G. Shevchenko (with honors, 1999), majoring in "Law" (qualification Master of Laws).
1999-2006 - National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI" (senior lecturer).
2006-2010 - Kyiv National Linguistic University (Associate Professor).
2010-2016 - National Academy of Internal Affairs (Associate Professor).
2016 and until now - SHEI "Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman", Department of Financial Law (Associate Professor).
2005 - defense of the dissertation on the topic: "Legal regulation of the single tax for small businesses" and obtaining the degree of candidate of law in the specialty 12.00.07 - administrative law and process; finance law; information law;
2012 - awarded the academic title of associate professor of economic and financial and legal disciplines.
2021 - defense of a doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Financial and legal regulation of payment systems in Ukraine" and obtaining the degree of Doctor of Laws in the specialty 12.00.07 - administrative law and process; finance law; information law.
Areas of research: financial law, tax law, banking law, administrative and legal regulation and public administration in the field of finance.
Courses taught: financial law (bachelor's degree), tax law (bachelor's degree), protection of the rights of users of payment systems (master's degree).
Certification training:
1. Training and Methodological Center of the SCFM of Ukraine on the topic "Combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime or terrorist financing" (certificate №12 SPV 130837 from 20.03.2015);
2. Institute of Postgraduate Education of KNEU under the program "Preparation of the teacher for the formation of students' competencies of the XXI century" (certificate № 12СС 02070884 / 063345-18; registration № 95 from 29.03.2018).