Research WorkOne of the priority areas of activity of the department's teaching staff is scientific work. In the activities of the department, current scientific research is considered and various scientific activities are considered.
The teachers of the department conduct scientific research in the following main areas: Political leadership
· Political technologies
· Political institutions in the conditions of democracy
Political communication as a component of modern democracy
· Geopolitics and management theory
· Modern globalization trends: the political aspect of the problem;
Political modernization and transformation
Formation of civil society in Ukraine
Political development of modern Ukraine
Historical and political problems and achievements of Ukrainian society
Ukraine in the system of international relations
· International security and national security issues of our time
Our main publications and activities:
Haponenko V. A., Korol M. O. Political and legal challenges in the management of migration flows of internally displaced persons. The Russian-Ukrainian war (2014–2022): historical, political, cultural-educational, religious, economic, and legal aspects : Scientific monograph. Riga, Latvia : “Baltija Publishing”, 2022. 1421 p.
Haponenko V. The Peculiarities of Hybryd Institutionalization and Prospects for Democratization of Political System of Ukraine. Studium Europy Srodkowej i Wschodniej. №14. 2020. p. 109-122.
Haponenko V. A., Korol M. O. Political and legal challenges in the management of migration flows of internally displaced persons. The Russian-Ukrainian war (2014–2022): historical, political, cultural-educational, religious, economic, and legal aspects : Scientific monograph. Riga, Latvia : “Baltija Publishing”, 2022. 1421 p.
Vira Haponenko, Volodymyr Rykhlik. Challenges of Democracy in Military Aggression: Ukraine and the World // International Conference “Economic security in the Global Environment (ESGE-2022), June 29-30, 2022
Volodymyr Smolianiuk, Volodymyr Biloshytskyi, Artur Hanhal, Sergii Mokliak, Oleksii Pysmennyi, . NATO's Factor in Ensuring the National Security of Modern Ukraine / IJCSNS – International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.21 No.12, December 2021. P. 689-695. Стаття у виданні, що індексується у міжнародній науко-метричній базі Web of Science Core Collection (у співавторстві).
Volodymyr Smolianiuk, Artur Hanhal, Volodymyr Biloshytskyi, Оlena Uvarkina, Vadym Dyiak, Tetiana Plachynda, Ihor Bloshchynskyi. Interiorization of Educational Norms: Socio-Adaptive Aspects (Philosophical Reasoning) / Journal of Positive School Psychology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 11357 – 11369. Стаття у виданні, що індексується у міжнародній науко-метричній базі Scopus (у співавторстві).
Shulga, M. A., Nelipa, D. V., Vorotin, V. Y., Korchak, N. M., & Vashchenko, K. O. (2021). When does the state disappear? (in memory of Rudolf Kjellen). Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S2), 795-804. . Scopus Author ID: 57292259000 Shulga, M. A., Poperechna, G. A., Kondratiuk, L. R., Petryshyn, H. R., & Zubchyk, O. A. (2021). Modernising education: unlearned lessons from Frederick Taylor. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S2), 80-95
Shulga, M, Kravchuk, O. Deliia, O., Krasnozhon, N., Kuchyk, O., & Kostyrya, I. (2022). Regional leadership as an element of Ukraine’s geopolitical strategy: El liderazgo regional como elemento de la estrategia geopolítica de Ucrania. Cuestiones Políticas, 40 (73), 27-51. Web of Science ID AHH-2381-2022 Marina Shulga, Radmyla Voitovych, Mariia Мasyk, Denys Darmostuk, Nataliia Zlenko, Iryna Yatsyk, Institutional Resilience of Public Governance Under Conditions of Sustainable Development, WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, vol. 18, pp. 884-893, 2022. Scopus
Бульбенюк С.С., Особенности проявлений популизма в странах Восточной Европы. Studiów Politologicznych. Warszawa : Dom Wydawniczy ELIPSA, 2021. Vol. 62. С. 30 – 43. Index Copernicus. Фахове видання з політичних наук у Республіці Польща. URL:
Манелюк Ю. М., Лисенко Ю. В. Публічна дипломатія як важливий інструмент зовнішньої політики держави в реаліях глобалізованого світу. / Manelyuk Y.M., Lysenko Y.V. Public diplomacy as an important instrument of policy of the state in globalized world. // Virtus: Scientific Journal / Editor-in-Chief M.A. Zhurba – # 40, 2020. – P. 227-232. (Scientific Indexing Services (SIS) (USA); Citefactor (USA) International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF)
Yurii Maneliuk, Svitlana Bulbeniuk, Vira Haponenko. (2021) Evolution of Constitutional Norms in Post-Soviet States: Democratic Procedure or Approval of Quo Status? Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. Vol. 617. Proceeding of the International Conference on Social Science, Psychology and Legal Regulation (SPL 2021). Atlantic Press, pp. 64-68.
Naumenko О. М. THE ROLE OF THE UKRAINIAN POLITICAL ELITE UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF MATERIAL STATE. Section 7. INTRODUCTION OF THE LATEST TEACHING PRACTICES AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN THE FIELD OF POLITOLOGY: THE EXPERIENCE OF EU COUNTRIES. Collection of theses of scientific and methodical reports of scientific and pedagogical internship. June 27 – July 29, 2022. Institute of professional development. Bratislava, Slovakia 2022. 59 P. pp. 57–59.
Pohorielova I. Peculiarities of teaching the students of the specialty International relations, Low and History professional disciplines // Linguistics and Culture Review. Vol. 5. № S4 2021, American Linguist Association, New York.
Yurii Maneliuk, Svitlana Bulbeniuk, Vira Haponenko. (2021) Evolution of Constitutional Norms in Post-Soviet States: Democratic Procedure or Approval of Quo Status? Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. Vol. 617. Proceeding of the International Conference on Social Science, Psychology and Legal Regulation (SPL 2021). Atlantic Press, pp. 64-68. International Cooperation Department of Political Technologies cooperate with different scientific organizations aboard.
Our partner is Akademia Ignatium in Krakow/
Our professors taking part in:
Ninth International Multidisciplinary Symposium on the Study of Memory. Topic of the report: «The Political Significance of Historical Memory Studies».
Tenth International Multidisciplinary Symposium on the Study of Memory/ Topic of the report: «Genocide counterversions in the context of the development of the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2022».
International Scholarship “Fundraising and Organization of Project Activities in Educational Establishments: European Experience” 12.11.2022 - 18.12.2022
International Scholarship "Innovative university and leadership "Phase VI: Models of academic autonomy and the university in the lifelong education system"" on the basis of the Warsaw and Jagiellonian Universities (Republic of Poland), October 10 - November 4, 2022.
The educational project "Welcome to the Czech Republic" (01.08-15.08.2022), a project initiated by Yourchance, was implemented with the support of the Embassy of Ukraine and the Embassy of the Czech Republic. Last redaction: 27.02.25 |