Institute of Law

Department of Рrivate Law

History of the department

From November 1, 2022, in accordance with the Decision of the Academic Council of Vadym Hetman Kyiv National University of Economics dated August 30, 2022, "On the organizational and management renewal of the University," the Department of Civil and Labor Law was renamed to the Department of Private Law. The Department of Business and Corporate Law was reorganized by merging with the Department of Private Law.

The purpose of the teaching, scientific, and educational work of the faculty of the department is to ensure that University applicants acquire high-quality, modern, and practically oriented knowledge in the academic disciplines of Private law, as well as the formation of knowledge and skills in applying current legislation.

The Department of Private Law addresses issues in the following areas: educational and methodological support for educational components taught at the department, preparation of educational and methodological literature, research work, introduction of innovative forms and methods of teaching, educational work, and other related activities.

The main educational and methodological objectives and areas of work of the department, in accordance with the resolutions of the Academic Council of the University and the decisions of the Rectorate, are: expansion and updating of the innovative and scientific component of the educational process; expanding the use of new monographic literature and other scientific publications by domestic and foreign authors in the educational process; further introduction of innovative teaching technologies, forms, and methods of teaching into the educational process; improvement of existing and development of new work programs in the disciplines taught at the department; updating of teaching materials in accordance with the regulatory documents of the University.

Scientific and teaching staff of the Department of Private Law

The main staff of the department's scientific and pedagogical team consists of professors, associate professors, senior lecturers, and assistants specializing in the fields of civil, economic, environmental, family, business, land law, civil and economic processes, and main sub-sectors and institutions of civil and economic law.

In total, the department employs 17 scientific and pedagogical workers, including 5 Doctors of Law and 12 Candidates of Legal Sciences (Doctors of Philosophy). All scientific and pedagogical workers of the department, according to personal indicators of scientific and professional activity, meet the licensing conditions for educational activities in Ukraine.

The scientific and pedagogical staff of the department provides teaching of academic disciplines for applicants of the first (bachelor's), second (master's), and third (educational-scientific) levels of higher education.

The department organizes practice sessions for applicants of the second (master's) level of higher education in both full-time and correspondence forms of study.

To optimize and modernize the educational process, taking into account the latest achievements in legal science and practice, changes in legislation, and the requirements of regulatory documents of the University, the department is constantly introducing the latest innovative forms and methods of teaching. To implement the University's Innovative Development Program, the department has developed and approved the Innovative Development Program of the Department of Private Law.

Considerable attention of the department's scientific and pedagogical staff is paid to the independent work of applicants, individual advisory work with applicants, and practice management.

The research work of the department is carried out in accordance with the approved topics of scientific research of the University and the Institute of Law.

According to professional orientation, scientific and methodological sections have been created at the department, providing general scientific guidance within the framework of the relevant areas. The department has student scientific problem groups and clubs.

Legal education of youth is one of the conditions for building a lawful society. Teachers of the department constantly carry out educational work in the classroom by explaining to applicants the content of current legislation and the practice of its application, during the organization of independent work of applicants, and during individual advisory work with students.

The international cooperation of the department is carried out through individual collaboration of department teachers with foreign institutions of higher education in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, the USA, Georgia, and the placement of scientific publications in foreign journals.

Faculty members
  • Bohdanets Alina Viktorivna
    Brief description of professional biography Education: Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the State University "Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadim Hetman",...
    Omelchenko Andrii Volodymyrovych
    Brief description of professional biography: Has higher historical, legal and economic education. In 1994, he graduated from the Ukrainian State...

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